Basic social studies in primary school teaches about basic amenities, things that are needed to stay alive. The barest minimum is clothes to keep you from the cold and elements in general, food — which includes but is obviously not limited to water, and shelter because owning clothes are not enough to deal with the weather and its elements neither is it good enough for anyone to sleep not to mention frequent showers. I also learnt about human connection and how extent humans are a basic amenity to other humans (although they will never teach it to you like this, these are some of the things you come to learn when you are shipped off to the university at 16 and for want of basic human company but I digress).

One other basic amenity that is often never taught to us is investments or savings, in their defense, it is more finance studies that it is social or not?
So you would ask, how is investment or savings a basic amenity? And I suppose that is a good question but the better question is “why?” or in response, “why not?”
If you’ve noticed all amenities taught to us are constant, reoccurring, insatiable and a 90s R&B love song singing, “I can’t do without you”, and every so often you should have also noticed that your income is not quite singing the same tune. Your income is more or less a Ludacris and Angie stone feature, fast paced and quick to finish with Angie singing ‘Baby, slow down, seems you’re moving too fast for me’ on the chorus, away from the music undertones (because there’s not much dancing for broke people), how do you ensure this doesn’t happen?
The simple answer, why not invest/save?